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Apnaa kma- krao fla kI caah mat krao ACTION IS THY DUTY  REWARD IS NOT THY CONCERN


  Late (Mrs.) Krishna Prasad (eldest of all)
Mr. Kartik Prasad
B. TECH (Civil  Engineering)

        Ex. GM  , HSCL , BOKARO

 [He is a younger brother of Late Dr. Gorakh Prasad of Allahabad. He has  
  settled at Ranchi.]

He has five daughters. All are married and well settled as given below:

                    1. Usha, married to Mr. Jitendra Raj Jayaswal, son of Late Mr. Jeetlal Jayaswal
                       of Hydrabad.
                    2. Manju, married to Dr. Satish Dhande. Both are doctors and settled in USA.
                    3. Saroj (Guddu), married to Mr. (Late) Pradeep Bhagat of Ranchi and settled there.
                    4. Sushma, married to Mr. Jayant Vira and both have settled in USA.
                    5. Vineeta, married to Mr. Arun Jain and both are at present in USA.